BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend (PC)


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BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend Steam Key GLOBAL

报价 ID: 2476668
版本: Standard
区域: 全球的
平台: Steam
保修: 30 天
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现存: 89
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1 = $3.07
总计: $ 307


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BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend Steam Gift EUROPE

报价 ID: 7720917
版本: Standard
区域: 欧洲
平台: Steam
保修: 30 天
交付: 立即
现存: 600
最小订单金额 1
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销售的 5266 成功率 95.43%
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BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend Steam Gift Latin America

报价 ID: 10592684
版本: Standard
区域: 拉丁美洲国家
平台: Steam
保修: 30 天
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现存: 600
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总计: $ 5409

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发布日期:Mar 2, 2016
发行商:H2 Interactive Co., Ltd.
开发商 :Arc System Works

BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend' is the sixth installment of the BlazBlue series, a combination of 2D fighting action game and visual novel. The game incorporates flashy performance and unique fighting moves with the Drive Button system to quickly take down the opponent. Now players can dish out super-powerful Guard Crush attacks when their opponents Barrier Gauge is low with the revamped Guard system. A player can quickly turn the tide of the battle by using BlazBlues unique mechanic - Overdrive - to enhance his skills and abilities. With two new characters, Celica and -11-, joining the roster, the player will be able to choose from 28 different playable characters. Also, a story mode named Remix Heart is newly added, featuring two characters, Mai Natsume and Kajun Faycott.

    • My RoomA totally new system, My Room has been added to the existing BlazBlue network system. In the room, you can talk with other players and decorate your room with wall items, furniture items and etc. You can even fight with other players as a team inTeam Match.

    • Crush Em!With the all-new revamped Guard Gauge system, players can now determine whento attack/block using the Barrier Gauge meter. When your opponents Barrier Gaugemeter is depleted, unleash a powerful barrier-shattering move, Guard Crush!

    • Ready to Fight with Style?With Stylish Mode activated, even beginners can perform flashy attacks and combos!Four new features have been added to Stylish Mode: Auto Guard, Combo Attacks,Special Abilities, and Distortion Drive. These features allow players that are new tofighting games to pull off advanced combos!

    • New Stage, Characters and Additional Scenarios!There will be a total of 28 playable characters with two new exciting characters,Celica and -11-! BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend includes brand new scenariosand contains digest versions of BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger and BlazBlue: ContinuumShift, so both new and returning players can enjoy the Story Mode. Celica alsocomes with a brand new stage, Ishana, the land of memories!

  • Remix Heart and Gag ScenariosTired from all that fighting? Take a break and enjoy a heart-warming comedic story(mode) featuring two high school girls, Mai Natsume and Kajun Faycott, as well asthe characters from the main scenario, Noel, Tsubaki, and Makoto! There are newly created 8 additional gag scenarios you can enjoy as well.
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