Europa Universalis IV (PC)


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Europa Universalis IV Steam Key GLOBAL

Offre ID: 10689245
Édition: Standard
RĂ©gion: Global
Plateforme: Steam
Garantie: 30 jours
Livraison: 30 minutes
Stock: 500
Votre produit sera disponible au téléchargement à la fin de la transaction. Restez sur la page "Commandes", l`icÎne de téléchargement de votre produit sera disponible dans les 3 à 5 minutes.
1 = $7.61
Total: $ 761
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Taux de réussite des commandes 87.58%
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Europa Universalis IV (EU)

Offre ID: 2544239
Édition: Standard
RĂ©gion: Europe
Plateforme: Steam
Garantie: 30 jours
Livraison: Instantané
Stock: 500
Votre produit sera disponible au téléchargement à la fin de la transaction. Restez sur la page "Commandes", l`icÎne de téléchargement de votre produit sera disponible dans les 3 à 5 minutes.
1 = $7.70
Total: $ 770
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L`activation peut ĂȘtre effectuĂ©e depuis Europe

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Taux de réussite des commandes 87.58%
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Europa Universalis IV (NA)

Offre ID: 2540947
Édition: Standard
Plateforme: Steam
Garantie: 30 jours
Livraison: Instantané
Stock: 54
Votre produit sera disponible au téléchargement à la fin de la transaction. Restez sur la page "Commandes", l`icÎne de téléchargement de votre produit sera disponible dans les 3 à 5 minutes.
1 = $8.04
Total: $ 804
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L`activation peut ĂȘtre effectuĂ©e depuis AMÉRIQUE DU NORD

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Taux de réussite des commandes 95.43%
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Europa Universalis IV Steam Key GLOBAL

Offre ID: 2450852
Édition: Standard
RĂ©gion: Global
Plateforme: Steam
Garantie: 30 jours
Livraison: Instantané
Stock: 20181
Votre produit sera disponible au téléchargement à la fin de la transaction. Restez sur la page "Commandes", l`icÎne de téléchargement de votre produit sera disponible dans les 3 à 5 minutes.
1 = $12.36
Total: $ 1236
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The grand strategy challenge

Learn 3 main aspects of managing a growing and expanding nation: politics, economics, and good, old-fashioned war-making! All of these parts are equally important to achieving strategic goals, both in the long and short-term. The new trade system featured in the game involves utilizing merchants to influence and steer the general flow of goods and resources.

Accumulate economic dominance over all trade routes, balance military power, and make some difficult decisions.

Two different campaign modes

Play single player mode or choose a multiplayer campaign. Both modes provide several preferred historical starting points as well as the ability to customize your own start time.

Multiplayer mode is supported by the Steamworks which makes it very stable. Support on Steam also provides an easy access to mods.

Portray yourself as a clever leader

Control any nation in existence during the various time period scenarios, offered by the games grand strategy, single-player campaign. Every single country is historically accurate. You will need to combine political, economic and military finesse in order to guide your nation up in the hierarchy of power and prestige, within the backdrop of worlds history. Historical events and figures play integral roles throughout the campaign, but they do not constrain you into specific direction as it would imply. Change the history whatever you want or play it through exactly the same way that history actually played out. Set your own goals in this historical, open sandbox. Feel the freedom and flexibility in all aspects of decision-making and strategic execution, a core and essential feature of the game. Start in any year and the countries, and the borders will change as these years go on.

Extensive & orchestrated soundtrack

Enjoy long hours of gameplay with sophisticated, and spectacular background music.

Europa Universalis IV offers a nice musical progression as you play through different historical ages in the campaign.

Countless hours of addictive gameplay

Aesthetically, Europa Universalis is one of the most detailed games to date with.The game features Intricate map of the world as well as varying environments, and noticable changes in seasons depending on the geographical region.

Over 30 map modes

Political map mode allows you to see the countries borders clearly outlined in individual colours. The terrain map mode lets you see the nation and the current weather, so when the winter hits, you will see it marked on a map. Special arrows show trade routes, the imperial map mode represents the borders of the Holy Roman Empire, the revolt map mode shows what is the risk of a revolt of particular nations, and the religious map mode shows the religions of each country. There are many more map modes which you can use during your gameplay.

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Taux de réussite des commandes 95.43%
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Europa Universalis IV (PC) - Steam Key - EUROPE

Offre ID: 5569357
Édition: Standard
RĂ©gion: Europe
Plateforme: Steam
Garantie: 30 jours
Livraison: Instantané
Stock: 102
Votre produit sera disponible au téléchargement à la fin de la transaction. Restez sur la page "Commandes", l`icÎne de téléchargement de votre produit sera disponible dans les 3 à 5 minutes.
1 = $13.21
Total: $ 1321
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L`activation peut ĂȘtre effectuĂ©e depuis Europe

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Taux de réussite des commandes 95.43%
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Europa Universalis IV Steam Gift Steam Gift SOUTH EASTERN ASIA

Offre ID: 10574760
Édition: Standard
RĂ©gion: Asie du Sud-Est
Plateforme: Steam
Garantie: 30 jours
Livraison: Instantané
Stock: 600
Votre produit sera disponible au téléchargement à la fin de la transaction. Restez sur la page "Commandes", l`icÎne de téléchargement de votre produit sera disponible dans les 3 à 5 minutes.
1 = $70.42
Total: $ 7042
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L`activation peut ĂȘtre effectuĂ©e depuis Asie du Sud-Est

Utilisateur est en ligne

Taux de réussite des commandes 95.43%
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Europa Universalis IV | Starter Edition (PC) - Steam Key - GLOBAL

Offre ID: 10685040
Édition: Starter
RĂ©gion: Global
Plateforme: Steam
Garantie: 30 jours
Livraison: Instantané
Stock: 50
Votre produit sera disponible au téléchargement à la fin de la transaction. Restez sur la page "Commandes", l`icÎne de téléchargement de votre produit sera disponible dans les 3 à 5 minutes.
1 = $73.58
Total: $ 7358
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L`activation peut ĂȘtre effectuĂ©e depuis n`importe quel pays

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Taux de réussite des commandes 95.43%
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Europa Universalis IV Steam Gift NORTH AMERICA

Offre ID: 2540815
Édition: Standard
Plateforme: Steam
Garantie: 30 jours
Livraison: Instantané
Stock: 600
Votre produit sera disponible au téléchargement à la fin de la transaction. Restez sur la page "Commandes", l`icÎne de téléchargement de votre produit sera disponible dans les 3 à 5 minutes.
1 = $76.95
Total: $ 7695
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L`activation peut ĂȘtre effectuĂ©e depuis AMÉRIQUE DU NORD

Fulfill Your Quest For Global Domination.Paradox Development Studio is back with the fourth installment of the award-winning Europa Universalis series.

The empire building game Europa Universalis IV gives you control of a nation to guide through the years in order to create a dominant global empire. Rule your nation through the centuries, with unparalleled freedom, depth and historical accuracy. True exploration, trade, warfare and diplomacy will be brought to life in this epic title rife with rich strategic and tactical depth.

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Taux de réussite des commandes 95.43%
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Europa Universalis IV Steam Gift Latin America

Offre ID: 10573500
Édition: Standard
Région: Pays d'Amérique latine
Plateforme: Steam
Garantie: 30 jours
Livraison: Instantané
Stock: 600
Votre produit sera disponible au téléchargement à la fin de la transaction. Restez sur la page "Commandes", l`icÎne de téléchargement de votre produit sera disponible dans les 3 à 5 minutes.
1 = $81.80
Total: $ 8180
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La clĂ© LATAM signifie que vous pouvez activer ce code en Antigua-et-Barbuda, Argentine, Barbade, Bermudes, Bolivie, BrĂ©sil, Bahamas, Belize, Chili, Colombie, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominique, RĂ©publique dominicaine, Équateur, Îles Falkland (Malvinas), Grenade, Guyane française, GĂ©orgie du Sud et les Ăźles Sandwich du Sud, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, HaĂŻti, JamaĂŻque, Saint-Christophe-et-NiĂ©vĂšs, Sainte-Lucie, Mexique, Nicaragua, Panama, PĂ©rou, Porto Rico, Paraguay, Suriname, Salvador, Uruguay, Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines, Venezuela. Je suggĂšre que vous puissiez crĂ©er un nouveau compte Steam (l'Argentine est la meilleure, car la plupart des jeux sont trĂšs bon marchĂ©). Vous pouvez chercher sur Google comment crĂ©er un compte Steam en Argentine. (Que vous puissiez activer la clĂ© dĂ©pend de la zone de votre portefeuille Steam. Mais je ne recommande pas de changer la zone de votre portefeuille pour votre compte Steam existant car cela enfreint les rĂšgles de Steam.)

Vous n`avez pas encore un compte?

Date de sorie:Aug 13, 2013
Éditeur:Paradox Interactive
DĂ©veloppeur:Paradox Development Studio

The grand strategy challenge

Learn 3 main aspects of managing a growing and expanding nation: politics, economics, and good, old-fashioned war-making! All of these parts are equally important to achieving strategic goals, both in the long and short-term. The new trade system featured in the game involves utilizing merchants to influence and steer the general flow of goods and resources.

Accumulate economic dominance over all trade routes, balance military power, and make some difficult decisions.

Two different campaign modes

Play single player mode or choose a multiplayer campaign. Both modes provide several preferred historical starting points as well as the ability to customize your own start time.

Multiplayer mode is supported by the Steamworks which makes it very stable. Support on Steam also provides an easy access to mods.

Portray yourself as a clever leader

Control any nation in existence during the various time period scenarios, offered by the games grand strategy, single-player campaign. Every single country is historically accurate. You will need to combine political, economic and military finesse in order to guide your nation up in the hierarchy of power and prestige, within the backdrop of worlds history. Historical events and figures play integral roles throughout the campaign, but they do not constrain you into specific direction as it would imply. Change the history whatever you want or play it through exactly the same way that history actually played out. Set your own goals in this historical, open sandbox. Feel the freedom and flexibility in all aspects of decision-making and strategic execution, a core and essential feature of the game. Start in any year and the countries, and the borders will change as these years go on.

Extensive & orchestrated soundtrack

Enjoy long hours of gameplay with sophisticated, and spectacular background music.

Europa Universalis IV offers a nice musical progression as you play through different historical ages in the campaign.

Countless hours of addictive gameplay

Aesthetically, Europa Universalis is one of the most detailed games to date with.The game features Intricate map of the world as well as varying environments, and noticable changes in seasons depending on the geographical region.

Over 30 map modes

Political map mode allows you to see the countries borders clearly outlined in individual colours. The terrain map mode lets you see the nation and the current weather, so when the winter hits, you will see it marked on a map. Special arrows show trade routes, the imperial map mode represents the borders of the Holy Roman Empire, the revolt map mode shows what is the risk of a revolt of particular nations, and the religious map mode shows the religions of each country. There are many more map modes which you can use during your gameplay.

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