The latest consoles developed by Microsoft and Sony have a big issue as the majority of them were bought by scalpers. Such a problem was present before, but none of the consoles of previous years wasn’t in shortage comparing with the latest ones. Both companies didn’t give much attention to this trouble before and as a result, there are barely any consoles available on the market. In their turn, scalpers have a successful and profitable business of purchasing consoles three times expensive than there indeed are. During all the pandemic circumstances, the demand for the consoles has significantly increased, but now the companies are forced to suspend production of the new consoles. Microsoft tries to find a solution to this problem by providing the Console Purchase Pilot scheme.
Likely, soon many players will successfully buy new consoles using this scheme. The testing right now is run in the US and has a limited number of participants. Players can register for the program using Xbox Insider on their Xbox One consoles to reserve an Xbox Series X or an Xbox Series S console. During the seven days, they need to pay and finish their purchase. If they won’t, their reserved product will be available for another participant of the program to buy. The testing is free and all users who take part may contact Microsoft directly. The company considers such an approach as the most efficient as well as protected against any leaks.
The scheme develops to prevent any possible problems, especially related to scalpers and their bots. Such bots automatically buy all possible products. Console Purchase Pilot is oriented to identify bots and reject any purchases made by them. If the scheme will perform successfully, it will be soon used for buying other Microsoft products and maybe spread outside the USA. So, if things will go well, perhaps Microsoft will get rid of a lot of problems. The company stated that it plans to solve the shortage problem during 2021. It doesn’t clear what Sony is going to do as it has the same problems with PlayStation 5. Although, the corporation considers that the issue will be solved in 2022.
Any owner of the Xbox One console living in the USA can register to join the testing according to Xbox Insider Hub. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that particular you will be selected.