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Dead by Daylight (PC)

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주문의 7784 성공률 87.65%
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Dead by Daylight (Steam)

제안 ID: 2465972
판: Standard
지방: 글로벌
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 500
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1 = ₸5,768.04
총수: 5,76804
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아무 나라에서 활성화할 수 있습니다

유저 오프라인

주문의 153 성공률 76.62%
trusted 신뢰한

Dead by Daylight Steam EU

제안 ID: 10693184
판: Standard
지방: 유럽
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 30 분
재고: 500
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1 = ₸6,219.26
총수: 6,21926
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활성화는 유럽 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

유저 오프라인

주문의 153 성공률 76.62%
trusted 신뢰한

Dead by Daylight (PC) - Steam Key - GLOBAL

제안 ID: 10689287
판: Standard
지방: 글로벌
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 30 분
재고: 500
최소의 주문 금액 1
상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = ₸6,306.16
총수: 6,30616
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아무 나라에서 활성화할 수 있습니다

유저 온라인

주문의 5367 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Dead by Daylight (PC) - Steam Key - GLOBAL

제안 ID: 2450809
판: Standard
지방: 글로벌
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 1586
최소의 주문 금액 1
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1 = ₸6,909.61
총수: 6,90961
세부 사항을 보기

아무 나라에서 활성화할 수 있습니다

Dead by Daylight (PC) is an asymmetrical multiplayer survival horror game. A group of up to four survivors tries to escape from a nightmarish place where a supernaturally powerful killer tries to sacrifice them to a malevolent god.Dead by Daylight allows players to play both sides of classic slasher movie stories, and taste the dread and the power of survivors and killers respectively.

Five survivors

The base version of Dead by Daylight features five different people who were pulled into the nightmare realm where they are forced to endlessly run from monstrous killers. Dwight Fairfield, Meg Thomas, Jake Park, Claudette Morel, and Nea Karlsson are people from very different backgrounds, and with very different talents, but the one thing that keeps them alike is being a part of a sick game conducted by a malevolent entity.

Four killers

To counter the cast of playable survivors, the core game offers a daring player a selection of four killers. The Trapper, able to leave snares to damage and slow down your victims, a stealthy Wraith, the teleporting Nurse, and finally the Hillbilly with his chainsaw and vicious hammer.Each of them play on a classic slasher killer trope, and each has its own way of finding and killing its victims. Which brand of killer resonates best with your favored playstyle? Find out for yourself.

Procedurally generated maps

Base version of Dead by Daylight features four different locations, each separated into several maps used as a frame for procedurally generated levels. You will never run or hunt on the same map, but some things remain constant: the sacrificial hooks, the generators, and the feeling of dying hope. Who will have the upper hand when neither side has prior knowledge of the hunting grounds?

Dead by Daylight gameplay: survivor

Playing as the survivor is a harrowing experience. To escape you must fix the generators, but the closer you are to fixing one, the less likely you are to notice the killer closing in on you. The killers are faster than you, so you must outmaneuver them and throw obstacles in their way. You can wrestle free of their grip or from the sacrificial hook, but will you be strong enough after all the traps and close encounters to flee before the Entity claims your essence?

Dead by Daylight gameplay: killer

In Dead by Daylight you can feel like Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees or Leatherface. A brutal killer who can't be defeated and always seems to be closing in no matter how hard the victims run. Track your quarry by the sounds they inadvertently make. Use unique powers and abilities to close the distance, better snare them, or flat out kill them in a single stroke.Do you have what it takes?

유저 온라인

주문의 5367 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Dead by Daylight (PC) - Steam Key - SOUTH EASTERN ASIA

제안 ID: 2458560
판: Standard
지방: 동남아시아
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 1020
최소의 주문 금액 1
상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = ₸7,511.60
총수: 7,51160
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활성화는 동남아시아 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

Dead by Daylight is an upcoming multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught, tortured and killed.

Survivors play in third-person and have the advantage of better situational awareness. The Killer plays in first-person and is more focused on their prey.

The Survivors' goal in each encounter is to escape the Killing Ground without getting caught by the Killer - something that sounds easier than it is, especially when the environment changes every time you play.

유저 온라인

주문의 5367 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Dead by Daylight (PC) - Steam Key - Latin America

제안 ID: 2462421
판: Standard
지방: 남아메리카
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 1125
최소의 주문 금액 1
상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = ₸7,511.60
총수: 7,51160
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LATAM 키는 아래 나열된 국가에서 이 코드를 활성화할 수 있음을 의미합니다: 앤티가 바부다, 아르헨티나, 바베이도스, 버뮤다, 볼리비아, 브라질, 바하마, 벨리즈, 칠레, 콜롬비아, 코스타리카, 쿠바, 도미니카 공화국, 도미니카 공화국, 도미니카 공화국, 에콰도르, 포클랜드 제도 (말비나스), 그레나다, 프랑스령 기아나, 남조지아와 남샌드위치 제도, 과테말라, 가이아나, 온두라스, 아이티, 자메이카, 세인트 키츠 네비스, 세인트 루시아, 멕시코, 니카라과, 파나마, 페루, 푸에르토리코, 파라과이, 수리남, 엘살바도르, 우루과이, 세인트 빈센트 그레나딘, 베네수엘라. 새로운 스팀 계정을 등록하는 것이 좋습니다(대부분의 게임이 매우 저렴하기 때문에 아르헨티나가 가장 좋습니다). 아르헨티나 스팀 계정을 등록하는 방법은 구글에서 찾을 수 있습니다. (키를 활성화할 수 있는지 여부는 스팀 지갑 지역에 따라 다릅니다. 그러나 기존 스팀 계정의 지갑 지역을 변경하지 않는 것이 좋습니다. 이는 스팀 규정을 위반하기 때문입니다.)

Dead by Daylight is an upcoming multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught, tortured and killed.

Survivors play in third-person and have the advantage of better situational awareness. The Killer plays in first-person and is more focused on their prey.

The Survivors' goal in each encounter is to escape the Killing Ground without getting caught by the Killer - something that sounds easier than it is, especially when the environment changes every time you play.

유저 온라인

주문의 5367 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Dead by Daylight (PC) - Steam Key - WESTERN ASIA

제안 ID: 2463921
판: Standard
지방: 서아시아
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 1020
최소의 주문 금액 1
상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = ₸7,511.60
총수: 7,51160
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활성화는 서아시아 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

Dead by Daylight is an upcoming multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught, tortured and killed.

Survivors play in third-person and have the advantage of better situational awareness. The Killer plays in first-person and is more focused on their prey.

The Survivors' goal in each encounter is to escape the Killing Ground without getting caught by the Killer - something that sounds easier than it is, especially when the environment changes every time you play.

유저 온라인

주문의 5367 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Dead by Daylight (PC) - Steam Key - EUROPE

제안 ID: 2572391
판: Standard
지방: 유럽
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 1025
최소의 주문 금액 1
상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = ₸7,511.60
총수: 7,51160
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활성화는 유럽 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

유저 온라인

주문의 5367 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Dead by Daylight (PC) - Steam Key - CHINA

제안 ID: 7719566
판: Standard
지방: 중국
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 0
최소의 주문 금액 1
상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = ₸7,923.81
총수: 7,92381
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활성화는 중국 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

유저 온라인

주문의 5367 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Dead by Daylight (PC) - Steam Key - RU/CIS

제안 ID: 7719520
판: Standard
지방: 러시아/독립국가연합
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 0
최소의 주문 금액 1
상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = ₸7,956.41
총수: 7,95641
세부 사항을 보기

활성화는 러시아/독립국가연합 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

유저 온라인

주문의 5367 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Dead by Daylight (PC) - Steam Gift - JAPAN

제안 ID: 2481232
판: Standard
지방: 일본
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 600
최소의 주문 금액 1
상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = ₸12,374.41
총수: 12,37441
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활성화는 일본 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

유저 온라인

주문의 5367 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Dead by Daylight (PC) - Steam Gift - UNITED KINGDOM

제안 ID: 10573517
판: Standard
지방: 영국
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 600
최소의 주문 금액 1
상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = ₸14,847.90
총수: 14,84790
세부 사항을 보기

활성화는 영국 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

유저 온라인

주문의 5367 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Dead by Daylight (PC) - Steam Gift - NORTH AMERICA

제안 ID: 2481233
판: Standard
지방: 북아메리카
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 600
최소의 주문 금액 1
상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = ₸19,711.27
총수: 19,71127
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활성화는 북아메리카 지방에서 실행할 수 있습니다

유저 온라인

주문의 5367 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Dead by Daylight | Stranger Things Edition (PC) - Steam Key - GLOBAL

제안 ID: 10508295
판: Stranger Things
지방: 글로벌
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 54
최소의 주문 금액 1
상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = ₸59,949.02
총수: 59,94902
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아무 나라에서 활성화할 수 있습니다

유저 온라인

주문의 5367 성공률 95.43%
trusted 신뢰한

Dead by Daylight Deluxe Edition Steam Key GLOBAL

제안 ID: 2456905
판: Deluxe Edition
지방: 글로벌
플랫폼: Steam
보증: 30 일
배달: 순간적
재고: 55
최소의 주문 금액 1
상품을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 구매가 끝날 때. 계속 주문 페이지, 3-5분 이내에 제품 다운로드 아이콘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
1 = ₸74,375.80
총수: 74,37580
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아무 나라에서 활성화할 수 있습니다

Dead by Daylight is an FPP/TPP survival horror PC game developed by Behaviour Interactive and published by Starbreeze. The game can be played exclusively as a 5 person multiplayer, with one of the players controlling a killer and others playing as the survivors and trying to avoid capture. The game is set in a series of 11 realms, where players engage in a deadly game of cat and mouse.

Deluxe Edition

While not rich in new in-game content Dead by Daylight – Deluxe Edition includes some materials that the fans of the base game can be interested in. Aside from the game itself, Dead by Daylight – Deluxe Edition contains digital artbook, where players can find character and location designs, and see how they change throughout the development process. Deluxe Edition also includes the game’s soundtrack, which will certainly fit any horror themed party. Aside from Dead by Daylight-related content, the Deluxe Edition contains two unique masks for other Starbreeze Studio’s game – PAYDAY 2.  


DbD features two different gameplay styles. As a survivor in the slaughter realm, the player must repair generators to power up doors, that will lead them out of the arena. The player controlling the killer will chase other players and try to sacrifice them to the Entity -  “god” of the game. Survivors are able to use various objects on the arena to stall the killer, as well as hide in the lockers to evade capture.


The Entity, a malevolent deity, is awake again. The cruel monstrosity uses its dreadful powers to summon people into the dimension it created. The innocent become the prey of serial killers, who will do anything they can to sacrifice the survivors, thus quenching the Entity’s bloodlust. Can the trapped survive the night of slaughter and complete the Entity’s trials,  or will they be dead by daylight?


Dead by Daylight received positive reviews from the critics. Many praised the game mechanics of the game, including the co-op system and different experience between playing as a survivor and the killer. Among the most praised aspects of the game were the atmosphere, created by the ambient sounds of the players’ surroundings, amplified by the horrific soundtrack and the gory design of the realms and killer characters.

Every fan of survival horror video games should consider buying Dead by Daylight. Behaviour Interactive’s product is far more than JUST a game, though. With it ambient music, chilling atmosphere and sense of dread seeping in from every corner, DbD can easily be called an experience.

아직 계좌가 없습니까?

발행 날짜:Jun 14, 2016
발행인:Behaviour Interactive Inc.
개발자:Behaviour Digital Inc.

Buy Cheap Dead by Daylight (PC) on Wyrel

Welcome to Dead by Daylight, a multiplayer horror game that tests your survival instincts like no other. The balance between life and death teeters on a knife's edge in this terrifying battleground. Will you emerge as the survivor or succumb to the relentless grip of the Killer?

This game sets the stage for a deadly game of cat and mouse. A single participant assumes the unyielding persona of the ruthless Killer, whereas four others assume the roles of Survivors striving desperately to elude a terrifying fate. It's a heart-pounding asymmetrical showdown where your every move could be your last.

Survivors navigate the harrowing environment in the third person, granting them better situational awareness and a chance to strategize. Yet, this advantage comes at a price, as even their slightest breath has the potential to disclose their position to the unrelenting Killer, who stealthily advances in first-person mode with an unwavering fixation on their target.


Test Your Surviving Skills at a Bargain Price

In this unforgiving game of life and death, Survivors must choose their path – will they cooperate with their fellow victims or go it alone, potentially sacrificing others for their survival? Teamwork is vital, but trust is a luxury seldom afforded in this deadly arena. Whether you choose to collaborate as a team or opt for a more self-centered approach, your odds of staying alive will fluctuate, resulting in each match being a distinctive and heart-pounding encounter.

Thanks to procedurally generated levels, you'll remain uncertain about the terrifying surprises lurking around every corner. This unpredictability will keep you anxiously perched on the edge of your seat, guaranteeing that each gaming experience is entirely unique.

The Wyrel marketplace is excited to present you with the chance to enjoy the hair-raising excitement of Dead by Daylight at an unparalleled, budget-friendly price. Our commitment is to provide cost-effective gaming deals, making it possible for all to dive into the immersive world of horror gaming.


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