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Quake Champions - Champions Pack (DLC)

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발행 날짜:Aug 22, 2017
발행인:Bethesda Softworks
개발자:id Software

Champions Pack includes:

All 11 current Champions, including Ranger, Visor, Scalebearer, Nyx, Anarki, Clutch, Sorlag, Galena, Slash, BJ Blazkowicz from id Software’s Wolfenstein, and the new DOOM Slayer.
All future Champions, including at least six additional ones expected to release before the end of 2018, and any that follow.
An exclusive Early Access skin for series diehard Ranger, available only during the Early Access period for Champions Pack players.
Three Reliquaries (loot chests containing three in-game items for profile, Champion, and weapon customization, like skins, shaders, nameplates, and more).

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