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Helldivers 2: The War for Democracy Rages On

1 몇달전
Helldivers 2: The War for Democracy Rages On

In Helldivers 2's tumultuous battleground, where each mission is a life-or-death struggle against the relentless Automatons, a new Major Order has been issued. It thrusts players into the heart of Malevelon Creek, a sector teeming with danger and uncertainty. But amidst the chaos, a sinister calm blankets the western war front, leaving seasoned veterans on edge and conspiracy theories swirling like dust in a storm.


Decrypting Automaton Secrets

As the Automatons cling to their final foothold in the Western theater, whispers of an impending onslaught echo through the ranks of the Helldivers. Could Game Master Joel be plotting their downfall with devious machinations? The conclusion of Operation Swift Disassembly only deepens the mystery. The discovery of an Automaton Comms Array broadcasting beyond known borders sends shockwaves through Super Earth. And the intercepted blueprints for deadly aerial gunships add fuel to the fire, igniting fears of a technological arms race.


Malevelon Creek: Arena of Destiny

Malevelon Creek, once a forgotten backwater, now finds itself thrust into the spotlight of destiny. Developers Arrowhead have painted this sector as the canvas for an epic clash between man and machine. But is there more to this than meets the eye? The anticipation is palpable as Helldivers gear up for the fight of their lives. With victory tantalizingly close yet uncertain, they march towards Malevelon Creek, ready to face whatever horrors the Automatons unleash upon them.


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