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Crysis Remastered Trilogy release date is announced

2 몇년전
Crysis Remastered Trilogy release date is announced

The release of the remastered version is scheduled for October 15. 

The previous release for Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PC, PS4 was presented to the public late last year. After the release of this version, developer Crytek announced a new release of Crysis Remastered Trilogy. You can buy all three versions of the game in one or separate parts. The PlayStation and Xbox console versions are released on the same day. Both digital and disc versions are available for each kind of device. 

The new version is designed for the following consoles: 

- Personal Computer

- Xbox One

- PS4

- PS5

- Xbox series X/S

- PlayStation 

In the remastered version, expect HD textures, an improved lighting system, increased resolution of the dynamics. There are also changes for the better in the characters, in their weapons, and the scenery.

The game costs $49.99 per platform. In this version, the Switch releases will be exclusive to the PlayStation and Xbox. But if a player wants a single Switch version, they will additionally receive a gift card. The card will be signed by a member of the development team. There are only 20 of these cards. So not everyone will receive a signed postcard. 

You can buy individual versions of Crysis from the first to the third for $29.99 each. The purchase is available starting October 15. If you already own one version of Crysis, you don't need to overpay for the other versions. 

Pre-orders to buy the game are only accepting U.S. GameShop for now. After the release of the previous version, public reviews have been mixed. Players expect more from the new version. 


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