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Behind the Scenes: Crafting Cyberpunk 2077's Memorable Underwater Date

12 dagen geleden
Behind the Scenes: Crafting Cyberpunk 2077's Memorable Underwater Date

During a revealing roundtable discussion hosted by PC Gamer, Sarah Gruemmer, the lead quest designer, peeled back the curtain on one of Cyberpunk 2077’s standout moments—an intimate underwater date with Judy. Facing the unexpected challenge of absent NPC diving animations, the development team turned to a blend of creativity and technical wizardry. Gruemmer described how they utilized a sophisticated scene system to choreograph Judy’s movements and interactions, cleverly masking the animation limitations.


A Dance of Illusions Underwater

The solution they devised was ingenious. They segmented Judy’s animations into shorter loops where she would remain idle, allowing the player to engage with the environment and perform various 'gameplay things.' This creative workaround ensured that Judy was always 'close enough to talk' before seamlessly transitioning to the next segment of the dive. Gruemmer humorously recounted the cinematic team’s reaction, noting they 'wanted to kill me,' highlighting the tension between creative ambition and technical feasibility.


Crafting an American Dystopia from Afar

The conversation also delved into the broader complexities of building Cyberpunk 2077's expansive world. An environment artist from CD Projekt Red shared the substantial challenge of capturing the essence of American urban landscapes, a task complicated by the team's geographical and cultural distance in Poland. This development aspect underscored the studio’s unwavering commitment to authenticity and detail, a commitment that contributes to the rich, immersive experience that defines the streets of Night City. Through these insights, the panel not only showcased the innovative spirit of the developers but also the meticulous effort involved in bringing such a richly textured virtual world to life.


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