Control (Xbox Series X)


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Control (Ultimate Edition) (Xbox Series XS / Xbox ONE) (EU)

Aanbieding ID: 10471213
Editie: Ultimate Edition
Regio: Europa
Platform: Xbox Live
Garantie: 30 dagen
Geleverd: Direct
Voorraad: 13
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1 = $13.28
Totaal: $ 1328
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Verschijningsdatum:Feb 2, 2021
Uitgever: 505 Games
Ontwikkelaar:Remedy Entertainment

Buy Cheap Control (Xbox Series X) on Wyrel

Control for Xbox Series X Stunning video game worth your time and money. Purchase Control for Xbox Series X and dive into the video game that already received over 80 awards. Get the best price on Wyrel and use free customer support if needed.

Stop corruption in the Federal Bureau of Control in Control for Xbox Series X

Dive into the world of secretive government agency and uncover all its mysteries.


An ultimate combination of action, adventure, and shooter genres

Control Xbox Series X is worth the purchase because it contains the main game as well as all previously-released expansions. Players receive The Foundation and AWE expansions in the bundle. Considering the discount from Wyrel, every user gets a great value set. Once you buy the video game, youll get to uncover various mysteries, use weapons & telekinetic powers to achieve your goals, explore the hidden world, and fight to control it.


Wyrel as your go-to source of new video games

The game contains numerous missions where the main player fights relentless enemies. It helps earn power and upgrade for even bigger victories. Buy the game while its on sale and explore the mysterious & secretive agency.

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