Monster Energy Supercross The Official Videogame 2 (Xbox)


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Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2 (Xbox One) - Xbox Live Key - ARGENTINA

Aanbieding ID: 10471567
Editie: Standard
Regio: Argentinië
Platform: Xbox Live
Garantie: 30 dagen
Geleverd: Direct
Voorraad: 6
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1 = $4.74
Totaal: $ 474
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Verschijningsdatum:Feb 8, 2019
Uitgever:Milestone S.r.l.
Ontwikkelaar:Milestone S.r.l.

The official Monster Energy AMA Supercross Championship game is back!

Live like a champion with the updated career mode.
Take part in more activities through your agenda: from Monday until the race weekend you will complete challenges, find new sponsors and meet fans to obtain incredible prizes!

Train hard in the Compound. 
A vast area where you can ride freely and put your custom rider's skills to the test, competing against rivals on four different tracks. You can put your leaning, starting, braking, cornering and scrubbing abilities to the test here. 

Tackle competitions like a hero.
Compete against more than 80 official 250SX and 450SX championship riders, including Jason Anderson, Marvin Musquin and, for the first time ever, the acclaimed Eli Tomac! 

Your face, your style, your personality.
A new customisation mode with more than 3000 objects to create the bike of your dreams with aftermarket components. Customise your avatar with new options including beards, tattoos, earrings, hats; as well as skin, eye, hair and eyebrow colours.
Choose how to celebrate victory: after all, we all have our lucky moves! 

An upgraded track editor.
Additional features and simplified accessibility thanks to the new graphic interface. Designing, constructing and sharing your custom tracks with the community will be easier thanks to the upgraded track editor!

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