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Aanbieding ID: 10690358
Editie: Standard
Regio: Europa
Platform: Steam
Garantie: 30 dagen
Geleverd: 30 minuten
Voorraad: 422
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1 = $10.64
Totaal: $ 1064
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Activering kan worden gedaan van Europa

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Succespercentage van Verkopen 77.84%
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Total War: WARHAMMER | Savage Edition (PC) - Steam Key - EUROPE

Aanbieding ID: 10694059
Editie: Savage
Regio: Europa
Platform: Steam
Garantie: 30 dagen
Geleverd: 30 minuten
Voorraad: 500
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1 = $11.08
Totaal: $ 1108
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Activering kan worden gedaan van Europa

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Succespercentage van Verkopen 95.43%
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Aanbieding ID: 2457206
Editie: Standard
Regio: Europa
Platform: Steam
Garantie: 30 dagen
Geleverd: Direct
Voorraad: 1096
Uw product is beschikbaar om te downloaden nadat de transactie is voltooid. Blijf op de pagina «Bestellingen», het downloadpictogram voor uw product is binnen 3-5 minuten beschikbaar.
1 = $14.44
Totaal: $ 1444
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Activering kan worden gedaan van Europa

The Old World is once again ravaged by war. Vampire Counts, Greenskins, Dwarfs, and the Empire once again clash swords, claws and choppas in Total War: Warhammer (PC). Guide your race to ultimate victory over everyone else on the continent. Total War: Warhammer is a turn-based strategy and real-time tactics game set in the Warhammer Fantasy world created by Games Workshop. Politics, economy, and the unbridled violence of warfare of the setting are yours to enjoy.

Diverse factions

Each of the core game's four factions is a unique creation with thematic mechanics, tailored unit distribution, and strategic focus. Neither faction is anything like any other. With either Greenskin Fightiness letting them cause a WAAAAAGH!, vampiric Corruption, or dwarven Grudges. Total War: Warhammer gameplay changes drastically with each faction you pick when starting a new game. Which one will be your first choice?

Total War meets Warhammer Fantasy

Total War: Warhammer is Creative Assembly's first fantasy-themed entry into the Total War series. Based on the Warhammer Fantasy license, it merges the best parts of both franchises. Total War brings the strategic depth and political machinations, as well as a next-gen visual representation of classic units. Warhammer Fantasy refreshes the historical fiction formula with units never before seen in a Total War game. Giants, griffons, and gargantuan spiders change the nature of warfare.

Chaos consumes all

If you think you can handle some small factions just fine, stay alert. As you progress, the ominous forces of Chaos start gathering at your borders. Once they bring all of their might on you, alliances and technology matter more than anything else. Are you strong enough to combat the antithesis of order and reason when your forces are divided between protecting your other borders and locked in fruitless skirmishes with your previous opponent?

Legendary lords

Your faction is led by some of the most legendary figures every fan on Warhammer Fantasy will be instantly familiar with. Emperor Karl Franz, Thorgrim Grudgebearer, even Heinrich Kemmler, one of the most infamous necromancers the Old World has ever known. Take part in the events shaping the continent and prove your chosen lord the supreme commander.

Story-based quests

Lords come with dedicated quests designed to show you some of the iconic battles and provide background for the broader events of the campaign. Fight in set-piece encounters against unique enemy composition and make tactical decisions defining your approach. Is your army strong enough to conquer seemingly unsurmountable odds? The risks are great, but the rewards make it well worth the effort.

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Succespercentage van Verkopen 77.84%
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Total War: WARHAMMER | Savage Edition (PC) - Steam Key - GLOBAL

Aanbieding ID: 10690290
Editie: Savage
Regio: Globaal
Platform: Steam
Garantie: 30 dagen
Geleverd: 30 minuten
Voorraad: 34
Uw product is beschikbaar om te downloaden nadat de transactie is voltooid. Blijf op de pagina «Bestellingen», het downloadpictogram voor uw product is binnen 3-5 minuten beschikbaar.
1 = $17.79
Totaal: $ 1779
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Activering kan vanuit elk land worden gedaan

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Succespercentage van Verkopen 77.84%
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Aanbieding ID: 10689348
Editie: Standard
Regio: Globaal
Platform: Steam
Garantie: 30 dagen
Geleverd: 30 minuten
Voorraad: 60
Uw product is beschikbaar om te downloaden nadat de transactie is voltooid. Blijf op de pagina «Bestellingen», het downloadpictogram voor uw product is binnen 3-5 minuten beschikbaar.
1 = $23.60
Totaal: $ 2360
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Activering kan vanuit elk land worden gedaan

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Verschijningsdatum:May 24, 2016
Uitgever:Feral Interactive (Linux)
Ontwikkelaar:Creative Assembly

The Old World is once again ravaged by war. Vampire Counts, Greenskins, Dwarfs, and the Empire once again clash swords, claws and choppas in Total War: Warhammer (PC). Guide your race to ultimate victory over everyone else on the continent.Total War: Warhammer is a turn-based strategy and real-time tactics game set in the Warhammer Fantasy world created by Games Workshop. Politics, economy, and the unbridled violence of warfare of the setting are yours to enjoy.

Diverse factions

Each of the core game's four factions is a unique creation with thematic mechanics, tailored unit distribution, and strategic focus. Neither faction is anything like any other. With either Greenskin Fightiness letting them cause a WAAAAAGH!, vampiric Corruption, or dwarven Grudges. Total War: Warhammer gameplay changes drastically with each faction you pick when starting a new game. Which one will be your first choice?

Total War meets Warhammer Fantasy

Total War: Warhammer is Creative Assembly's first fantasy-themed entry into the Total War series. Based on the Warhammer Fantasy license, it merges the best parts of both franchises. Total War brings the strategic depth and political machinations, as well as a next-gen visual representation of classic units. Warhammer Fantasy refreshes the historical fiction formula with units never before seen in a Total War game. Giants, griffons, and gargantuan spiders change the nature of warfare.

Chaos consumes all

If you think you can handle some small factions just fine, stay alert. As you progress, the ominous forces of Chaos start gathering at your borders. Once they bring all of their might on you, alliances and technology matter more than anything else. Are you strong enough to combat the antithesis of order and reason when your forces are divided between protecting your other borders and locked in fruitless skirmishes with your previous opponent?

Legendary lords

Your faction is led by some of the most legendary figures every fan on Warhammer Fantasy will be instantly familiar with. Emperor Karl Franz, Thorgrim Grudgebearer, even Heinrich Kemmler, one of the most infamous necromancers the Old World has ever known.Take part in the events shaping the continent and prove your chosen lord the supreme commander.

Story-based quests

Lords come with dedicated quests designed to show you some of the iconic battles and provide background for the broader events of the campaign. Fight in set-piece encounters against unique enemy composition and make tactical decisions defining your approach.Is your army strong enough to conquer seemingly unsurmountable odds? The risks are great, but the rewards make it well worth the effort.

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