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Quantum Break (PC)

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Taxa de sucesso de 7024 encomendas 87.16%
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Quantum Break

Oferta ID: 2469640
Edição: Standard
Região: Global
Plataforma: Steam
Garantia: 30 dias
Entrega: Instantânea
Estoque: 304
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1 = $10.46
Total: $ 1046
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A ativação pode ser feita desde qualquer país

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Taxa de sucesso de 5019 encomendas 95.43%
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Quantum Break Steam Key RU/CIS

Oferta ID: 2458187
Edição: Standard
Região: Rússia / CIS
Plataforma: Steam
Garantia: 30 dias
Entrega: Instantânea
Estoque: 84
Os seus produtos estarão disponíveis para download após a conclusão da transação. Permanecer na página de pedidos, the icon for downloading your product will become available within 3-5 minutes.
1 = $12.41
Total: $ 1241
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A ativação pode ser feita a partir de Rússia / CIS

In the aftermath of a split second of destruction that fractures time itself, two people find they have changed and gained extraordinary abilities. One of them travels through time and becomes hell-bent on controlling this power. The other uses these new abilities to attempt to defeat him and fix time before it tears itself irreparably apart. Both face overwhelming odds and make dramatic choices that will determine the shape of the future. Quantum Break is a unique experience; one part hard-hitting video game, one part thrilling live action show, featuring a stellar cast, including Shawn Ashmore as the hero Jack Joyce, Aidan Gillen as his nemesis Paul Serene and Dominic Monaghan as Jacks genius brother William. Quantum Break is full of the vivid storytelling, rich characters and dramatic twists Remedy Entertainment are renowned for. Your choices in-game will affect the outcome of this fast-paced fusion between game and show giving the player a completely unique entertainment experience.

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Taxa de sucesso de 5019 encomendas 95.43%
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Quantum Break Steam Key GLOBAL

Oferta ID: 2451287
Edição: Standard
Região: Global
Plataforma: Steam
Garantia: 30 dias
Entrega: Instantânea
Estoque: 619
Os seus produtos estarão disponíveis para download após a conclusão da transação. Permanecer na página de pedidos, the icon for downloading your product will become available within 3-5 minutes.
1 = $14.56
Total: $ 1456
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A ativação pode ser feita desde qualquer país

A story like in the best Hollywood movie

The story presented in the Quantum Break is going to take you on a very wild ride. The U.S. Riverpoint University is researching time travels. During one of the experiments an accident happened, which resulted with appearance of various anomalies. Because of these anomalies, the World started to shatter. Because of the accident, Jack Joyce and Paul Serene gained ability to manipulate space and time. You are Jack Joyce, together with your brother (who was actually responsible for creation of the time machine used in the experiment) you're trying to stop Paul Serene. Unfortunately for you, Paul believes that the World is already doomed and he is planning to save only selected few. This story is going to provide you with great narrative experience, where action gameplay is mixed with movie scenes with real actors. In other words Quantum Break is not only a game. It is also an action movie prepared for your enjoyment. Furthermore, it is also an important tool for the story. In game you're controlling Jack Joyce but movie cutscenes are telling the story from Serenes point of view. Thanks to this you'll be able to see the situation from much broader perspective.

Interesting and dynamically changing levels

Quantum Break is mostly a third person action game with a lot of shooting. However, because of the fact that World was shattering, Quantum Break provides you with crazy level design. You're going to see buildings falling apart, items disappearing and appearing out of nowhere etc. Because of that you're going to be forced to constantly search for alternative paths. You cannot be sure what exactly is going to happen next. After all, scientists damaged the fabric of universe itself. You simply need to be ready for problems.

Utilize your new found powers to survive

Luckily for you, you're not doomed in this battle. Because of this weird experiment and the accident which followed it, resulted with you gaining immense powers. Now you are able to control and manipulate space and time (in a small degree). In Quantum Break you're going to utilize these powers quite a lot in order to survive. There are quite a few of powers you can use. You can for example slow the time or make it flow faster if you need. You can also create and throw small bubbles inside of which time is stopped. Not only you need to use these abilities during the battle but also to solve various small puzzles. You have great power so use them to win in this hard battle against not only Paul, but also against the universe itself. Are you ready to start your battle?

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Taxa de sucesso de 5019 encomendas 95.43%
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Quantum Break Steam Key CHINA

Oferta ID: 7719607
Edição: Standard
Região: CHINA
Plataforma: Steam
Garantia: 30 dias
Entrega: Instantânea
Estoque: 20
Os seus produtos estarão disponíveis para download após a conclusão da transação. Permanecer na página de pedidos, the icon for downloading your product will become available within 3-5 minutes.
1 = $14.76
Total: $ 1476
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A ativação pode ser feita a partir de CHINA

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Taxa de sucesso de 5019 encomendas 95.43%
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Quantum Break Steam Key Latin America

Oferta ID: 7719556
Edição: Standard
Região: Países latino-americanos
Plataforma: Steam
Garantia: 30 dias
Entrega: Instantânea
Estoque: 20
Os seus produtos estarão disponíveis para download após a conclusão da transação. Permanecer na página de pedidos, the icon for downloading your product will become available within 3-5 minutes.
1 = $15.21
Total: $ 1521
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A chave LATAM significa que você pode ativar este código em Antígua e Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Bermuda, Bolívia, Brasil, Bahamas, Belize, Chile, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, República Dominicana, Equador, Ilhas Malvinas, Granada, Guiana Francesa, Geórgia do Sul e Ilhas Sandwich do Sul, Guatemala, Guiana, Honduras, Haiti, Jamaica, São Cristóvão e Nevis, Santa Lúcia, México, Nicarágua, Panamá, Peru, Porto Rico, Paraguai, Suriname, El Salvador, Uruguai, São Vicente e Granadinas, Venezuela. I suggest that you can register a new steam account ( Argentina is the best, because most of games are very cheap). You can google how to register a Argentina steam account. (Whether you can activate the key depends on your steam wallet area. But I don't recommend that you change the wallet area of your existing steam account because it violates the steam rules.)

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Taxa de sucesso de 5019 encomendas 95.43%
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Quantum Break (PC) - Steam Key - EUROPE

Oferta ID: 10584852
Edição: Standard
Região: Europa
Plataforma: Steam
Garantia: 30 dias
Entrega: Instantânea
Estoque: 14
Os seus produtos estarão disponíveis para download após a conclusão da transação. Permanecer na página de pedidos, the icon for downloading your product will become available within 3-5 minutes.
1 = $18.25
Total: $ 1825
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A ativação pode ser feita a partir de Europa

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Data de lançamento:Sep 29, 2016
Editor:Microsoft Studios
Desenvolvedor:Remedy Entertainment

Buy Cheap Quantum Break (PC) at Wyrel

Purchase this game to dive into an exciting plot. You are now Jack, and you can control time. This ability appeared after an unsuccessful test, and now the Monarch organization is after you. Resist the group using all the possibilities youve got.

A major mystery to uncover.

A twist of the plot is that the fonder of Monarch has a special ability, too. He can see the alternative future lines. Your task is to learn what went wrong during the experience. Buy Quantum Break for Xbox and pay attention to details to get the best possible gaming experience. Keep in mind that the outcome can differ based on your decisions.

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First of all, the best price can become a decision-making factor. Discover the selection of options on sale and get a discount. Secondly, the site is secure. It protects customers information and offers various payment options to pay for everything you buy here. And players can buy a lot since the site also sells gaming-related items.

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