Starblast (PC)


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Starblast Steam PC Key GLOBAL

报价 ID: 2463782
版本: Standard
区域: 全球的
平台: Steam
保修: 30 天
交付: 立即
现存: 65
最小订单金额 1
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1 = $9.87
总计: $ 987


Starblast is a fun, fast paced online multiplayer arcade space shooter. Take control of your spaceship, mine asteroids, increase your stats, upgrade to different types of spaceships with improved stats and weapons. Fight against other players and rob their gems. Starblast offers 31 unique ship models, thousands maps, 10 weapon classes and special powers. You can play 4 game modes: survival, teams, deathmatch and a last awesome new gamemode to be unveiled on official release day. A custom game creator allows creating private sandboxes or public special events, with a wide range of customization settings. The Pro Deathmatch Championship is a permanently running Starblast e-sport competition with leaderboards.


开发商 :Neuronality

Starblast is a fun, fast paced online multiplayer arcade space shooter. Take control of your spaceship, mine asteroids, increase your stats, upgrade to different types of spaceships with improved stats and weapons. Fight against other players and rob their gems. Starblast offers 31 unique ship models, thousands maps, 10 weapon classes and special powers. You can play 4 game modes: survival, teams, deathmatch and a last awesome new gamemode to be unveiled on official release day. A custom game creator allows creating private sandboxes or public special events, with a wide range of customization settings. The Pro Deathmatch Championship is a permanently running Starblast e-sport competition with leaderboards.

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交货状态 处理中



Starblast (PC)
报价: 1
产品: 钥匙
交付: 立即
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