Toast Time (PC)


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Toast Time Steam CD Key

报价 ID: 2492646
版本: Standard
区域: 全球的
平台: Steam
保修: 30 天
交付: 立即
现存: 9
最小订单金额 1
您的商品將可供下載 在購買結束時。 계속 訂單頁面, 用於下載您的產品的圖標將在 3-5 分鐘內變為可用。
1 = $0.48
总计: $ 048


用户 在线

销售的 5361 成功率 95.43%
trusted 受信任

Toast Time Steam Key GLOBAL

报价 ID: 2453578
版本: Standard
区域: 全球的
平台: Steam
保修: 30 天
交付: 立即
现存: 69
最小订单金额 1
您的商品將可供下載 在購買結束時。 계속 訂單頁面, 用於下載您的產品的圖標將在 3-5 分鐘內變為可用。
1 = $1.49
总计: $ 149


Toast Time is a throwback to the golden age of video games where old-school homebrew titles fused arcade action with a distinctly British sense of humour.
An appetising arena shoot-em-up garnished with tower-defence elements and served warm with awesome-sauce (probably syrup).
Inter-dimensional time-blob beasties have sailed the cosmos in pursuit of spare time, and now they've found it, tasted it, on an idyllic Monday morning.
Assume the role of TERRY (toast-ejecting recoil & reload system), a humble and solitary toaster with an uncontrollable love for English breakfasts, hats and scheduling.
Click to launch toast, crumpets and magnitudes of other breakfast paraphernalia at the beasties. Bounce around and crush them with your hot metallic mass. Tip over bins, and use the environments to your advantage. Drink a little coffee and go a little crazy. Do everything it takes to defend toast time you are Monday morning's final hope. Have your toast and eat it.


发布日期:Aug 27, 2014
发行商:Force Of Habit
开发商 :Force Of Habit
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