An authentic RPG of a journey with a girl made of slime! Enjoy fluid 2D turn-based battles! Bine is a young man who lives in a small rural village. One day, he is asked by Lunaria, a girl who lives near the village, to go with her to the royal capital.
With more and more disappearances occurring, the rulers' reactions are mixed. And there is a forgotten existence, too...
'Trusting hearts' become 'strength'. This is just the start of the story... The heroine, slime? The heroine is... slime!By eating gems, her statuses are strengthened, and she can learn new skills. In battle, she has a powerful death-blow skill: she can mimic monsters! Put different characters at the head of the party Special actions, such as smashing rocks or squeezing through narrow gaps, are possible, depending on the character at the head of the party.Try to find all the hidden items! Plant seeds and harvest items By planting beans in plant pots, you can harvest many different items. Every now and again, you might grow something incredible! A wide range of challenges The game offers many well-loved challenging features, including weapon development and arenas where you can fight against strong enemies. This app features full controller support with the Xbox 360 Controller on Windows. About KEMCO KEMCO is a video game publishing company specializing in JRPG games. By focusing on immersive narratives and quality gameplay we strive to continually design gaming experiences both seasoned and new gamers alike can enjoy while advancing the genre to a whole new level.
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