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Conan Exiles Debaucheries of Derketo Pack (DLC)

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Conan Exiles: Debaucheries of Derketo Pack

Angebot ID: 10564500
Edition: Standard
Region: Europa
Plattform: Steam
Garantie: 30 days
Lieferung: Sofortig
Lagerbestand: 50
Min. Bestellbetrag 1
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1 = $6.70
Gesamt: $ 670
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Conan Exiles - Debaucheries of Derketo Pack - Steam Key - GLOBAL

Angebot ID: 4698351
Edition: Standard
Region: Global
Plattform: Steam
Garantie: 30 days
Lieferung: Sofortig
Lagerbestand: 20102
Min. Bestellbetrag 1
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1 = $7.13
Gesamt: $ 713
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Release date:Oct 8, 2019

Surrender to your baser desires of lust and excess through the Debaucheries of Derketo Pack.

Build your own tavern with a host of new placeables. Let it overflow with drink, play games or craft a stage for seductive dancers and entertainers.

Take your treetop buildings to a whole new level with the new tree hut foundation and rope bridges and even make an opulent bedroom adorned with red curtains and a luxurious bed.

Play around with twelve exclusive emotes, like juggling balls in the air or throwing your beer mug to the ground after a deep drink. Dress yourself alluringly in new jewelry, dancer and noble outfits or serve in your tavern looking like an innkeeper.
Debaucheries of Derketo Pack contains:
10 new building pieces
Pieces to build rope bridges, stages and a tree hut foundation
10 new armor pieces in two sets, such as the Dark Templar armor
Two heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
12 new exclusive emotes
Juggle, drink beer, look nonchalant, angry and much more
10 new outfit pieces, such as the innkeeper and noble
Decorative clothing perfect for roleplayers
6 new warpaints
Decorative warpaints symbolizing emotions, like passion or lust
29 new placeables for building a tavern interior plus more
Craft wine racks, curtains, tavern counters and chess sets
10 new jewelry pieces
Two sets of jewelry, one in gold and one in silver

All the new content from Debaucheries of Derketo is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.

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