UFO Extraterrestrials Gold (PC)

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UFO: Extraterrestrials Gold

Angebot ID: 2480542
Edition: Standard
Region: Global
Plattform: Steam
Garantie: 30 days
Lieferung: Sofortig
Lagerbestand: 7
Min. Bestellbetrag 1
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1 = $4.23
Gesamt: $ 423
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Release date:17 февр. 2010 г.
Publisher:ND Games
Developer:Chaos Concept

UFO: Extraterrestrials represents fiction in which the human race faces a threat from space, aimed to be a spiritual sequel developed by Chaos Concept. Gold Edition includes a number of changes and improvements giving a player a new look on the classic game: new maps, possibility to hire soldiers, globe UFO swarms and configurability.

The year is now 2025 and on the newly colonized planet Esperanza our devices have not just been approached by alien machines but attacked. Control a squad of soldiers, light and heavy support combat vehicles, robots and air units located on the planet Esperanza that had been colonized by the spaceship Magalhaes in the year 2023. This squad was brought together by the Esperanza government to face a threat that comes from deep space. Advert the alien impact on Esperanza, and head to the planet Earth and free it from the Aliens Forces that are now controlling it. Combine global strategy with small squad based tactical combat against an alien invasion. Repelling the alien invasion requires taking full advantage of the terrain and his environments.

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UFO Extraterrestrials Gold (PC)
Angebote: 1
Produkt: Schlüssel
Lieferung: Sofortig