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Redeemer (PC)

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Redeemer: Enhanced Edition

Angebot ID: 10564416
Edition: Enhanced
Region: Europa
Plattform: Steam
Garantie: 30 days
Lieferung: Sofortig
Lagerbestand: 50
Min. Bestellbetrag 1
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1 = $9.39
Gesamt: $ 939
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Die Aktivierung kann von Europa aus erfolgen

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Erfolgsrate von 4807 Bestellungen 95.43%
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Redeemer | Enhanced Edition (PC) - Steam Key - GLOBAL

Angebot ID: 2455740
Edition: Enhanced
Region: Global
Plattform: Steam
Garantie: 30 days
Lieferung: Sofortig
Lagerbestand: 71
Min. Bestellbetrag 1
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1 = $2.46
Gesamt: $ 246
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REDEEMER is an intense Brawler where you will punch, hack and blast your way through enemies using fists, hammers, fire arms and even the environment. It grabs the genre by the throat and drags it into 2017 in brutal style by adding a deep melee combat system and numerous unique types of kills. Redeemer is the brawler for those who love brawlers and have been waiting for a modern take on the genre!

Play as Vasily, an elite operative who once worked for one of the biggest Cybernetic Weapons Manufacturers in the world. Officially working in security, you were tasked with infiltration, assassination, extortion and even torture. When eventually the corporation decided to turn you into one of its cyborg soldiers, you manage to narrowly escape to a secluded monastery deep in the snowy mountains.

For 20 years you tried to find peace and harmony amongst your fellow monks, but you are still too haunted by your murderous past to find either. Now after all of these years the corporation is finally closing-in on your location, and in so doing they have given you one last shot at redemption.

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Angebot ID: 2469788
Edition: Standard
Region: Global
Plattform: Steam
Garantie: 30 days
Lieferung: Sofortig
Lagerbestand: 54
Min. Bestellbetrag 1
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1 = $3.81
Gesamt: $ 381
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Release date:Aug 1, 2017
Publisher:Good Shepherd Entertainment
Developer:Sobaka Studio

REDEEMER is an intense Brawler where you will punch, hack and blast your way through enemies using fists, hammers, fire arms and even the environment. It grabs the genre by the throat and drags it into 2017 in brutal style by adding a deep melee combat system and numerous unique types of kills. Redeemer is the brawler for those who love brawlers and have been waiting for a modern take on the genre!

Play as Vasily, an elite operative who once worked for one of the biggest Cybernetic Weapons Manufacturers in the world. Officially working in security, you were tasked with infiltration, assassination, extortion and even torture. When eventually the corporation decided to turn you into one of its cyborg soldiers, you manage to narrowly escape to a secluded monastery deep in the snowy mountains.

For 20 years you tried to find peace and harmony amongst your fellow monks, but you are still too haunted by your murderous past to find either. Now after all of these years the corporation is finally closing-in on your location, and in so doing they have given you one last shot at redemption.

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