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However, single players found a lot of exciting things here. So, what caused the discontent of most fans of new items? Players are disappointed that there needs to be more new game content. For example, compared with the seventh season, the ninth season of the game looks less impressive. However, solo players thought it was a very appropriate and helpful update.
In the recently released video trailer, the lead designer of the novelty characterizes the upcoming season from two positions: quality of life updates and changes in the sandbox. A representative from the developer company said that the ninth season of the popular game would delight players with exciting, updated gameplay and interesting changes in the quality of life.
So, the balance updates make some of the best gaming videos suitable for single players. The video game designer suggested, first of all, to pay attention to the seagulls, which will now circle the wrecked ship so that it can be easily found, as well as the harpoon, which places the acquired loot on board the vessel automatically, which makes the gameplay much more accessible. So some lack of new game content in Sea of Thieves is frustrating, but in general, there is a lot of exciting and valuable news for fans of the novelty, especially for single players.