Owlboy (PC)

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Owlboy Steam Key GLOBAL

Oferta ID: 2451286
Edición: Standard
Región: Global
Plataforma: Steam
Garantía: 30 dнas
Entrega: Instantáneo
Stock: 75
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1 = $7.75
Total: $ 775
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Owlboy is a 'hi-bit' adventure game, where you can fly and explore a brand new world in the clouds! Pick up your friends, and bring them with you as you explore the open skies. Overcome obstacles and greater enemies, in one of the most detailed adventures of this era.

Being a mute, Otus struggles living up to the expectations of owl-hood. Things spiral from bad to worse with the sudden appearance of sky pirates.

What follows is a journey through monster infested ruins, with unexpected encounters, well kept secrets, and burdens no one should have to bear.

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Tasa de éxito de 5019 pedidos 95.43%
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Owlboy Steam Gift EUROPE

Oferta ID: 10580793
Edición: Standard
Región: Europa
Plataforma: Steam
Garantía: 30 dнas
Entrega: Instantáneo
Stock: 600
Sus productos estarán disponibles para descargar al final de la compra. Permanezca en la página de "Pedidos", el icono para descargar su producto estará disponible en 3-5 minutos.
1 = $35.04
Total: $ 3504
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Fecha de salida:Nov 1, 2016
Distribuidor:D-Pad Studio
Desarrollador:D-Pad Studio

Owlboy is a 'hi-bit' adventure game, where you can fly and explore a brand new world in the clouds! Pick up your friends, and bring them with you as you explore the open skies. Overcome obstacles and greater enemies, in one of the most detailed adventures of this era.

Being a mute, Otus struggles living up to the expectations of owl-hood. Things spiral from bad to worse with the sudden appearance of sky pirates.

What follows is a journey through monster infested ruins, with unexpected encounters, well kept secrets, and burdens no one should have to bear.

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