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Papo & Yo (PC)


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Papo & Yo Steam Key GLOBAL

Aanbieding ID: 2461609
Editie: Standard
Regio: Globaal
Platform: Steam
Garantie: 30 dagen
Geleverd: Direct
Voorraad: 75
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1 = $3.10
Totaal: $ 310
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Quicos best friend, Monster, is a huge beast with razor-sharp teeth, but that doesnt scare Quico away from playing with him. That said, Monster does have a very dangerous problem: an addiction to poisonous frogs.
The minute he sees one hop by, hell scarf it down and fly into a violent, frog-induced rage where no one, including Quico, is safe. And yet, Quico loves his Monster and wants to save him. As Quico, players will build their friendship with Monster by solving puzzles together and adventuring through a magical, surrealist world. Players will need to learn to use Monsters emotions, both good and bad, to their advantage if they want to complete their search for a cure and save their pal.

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Verschijningsdatum:Apr 18, 2013
Uitgever:Minority Media
Ontwikkelaar:Minority Media Inc.

Quicos best friend, Monster, is a huge beast with razor-sharp teeth, but that doesnt scare Quico away from playing with him. That said, Monster does have a very dangerous problem: an addiction to poisonous frogs.
The minute he sees one hop by, hell scarf it down and fly into a violent, frog-induced rage where no one, including Quico, is safe. And yet, Quico loves his Monster and wants to save him. As Quico, players will build their friendship with Monster by solving puzzles together and adventuring through a magical, surrealist world. Players will need to learn to use Monsters emotions, both good and bad, to their advantage if they want to complete their search for a cure and save their pal.

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