Sky Break (PC)


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Sky Break Steam Key GLOBAL

Aanbieding ID: 2451946
Editie: Standard
Regio: Globaal
Platform: Steam
Garantie: 30 dagen
Geleverd: Direct
Voorraad: 57
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1 = ₸3,423.32
Totaal: 3,42332
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Humanity is threatened. A mortal virus awoke, and it is spreading quickly.The particular flora of Arcania, a planet used to prepare humans for space colonization, may help in the creation of a cure. But it is now abandoned since working drones turned against humans.A group of researchers is sent to this planet to find a solution. I am one of them.But as we arrived, things went wrong...

After the crash of your spaceship, you must survive on this hostile planet. Thankfully an old station above the clouds, left over by humans, provides a good shelter.Explore, gather resources, re-construct the station, enhance your armor and fight in a procedural open world, to create a cure and find your way back home.

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Verschijningsdatum:Oct 21, 2016
Uitgever:Farsky Interactive
Ontwikkelaar:Farsky Interactive

Humanity is threatened. A mortal virus awoke, and it is spreading quickly.The particular flora of Arcania, a planet used to prepare humans for space colonization, may help in the creation of a cure. But it is now abandoned since working drones turned against humans.A group of researchers is sent to this planet to find a solution. I am one of them.But as we arrived, things went wrong...

After the crash of your spaceship, you must survive on this hostile planet. Thankfully an old station above the clouds, left over by humans, provides a good shelter.Explore, gather resources, re-construct the station, enhance your armor and fight in a procedural open world, to create a cure and find your way back home.

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