Talisman Complete Runestone Deck (DLC)


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Talisman: Digital Edition - Complete Runestone Deck Steam Key GLOBAL

Aanbieding ID: 2461862
Editie: Digital
Regio: Globaal
Platform: Steam
Garantie: 30 dagen
Geleverd: Direct
Voorraad: 81
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1 = $1.41
Totaal: $ 141
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A complete set of Runestone cards, which give your Talisman characters extra abilities, for use in online and offline game modes.

Designed to speed up a game of Talisman, and also make your characters more powerful, Runestones are cards which you can attach to your characters to give them the advantage over their opponents.

Each character can have 3 Runestone cards equipped, so you can mix and match which abilities are suitable for each character.

Will you give the Troll a higher starting Craft? Or maybe make your Wizard immune to being Toaded!

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Verschijningsdatum:Feb 25, 2014
Uitgever:Nomad Games
Ontwikkelaar:Nomad Games

A complete set of Runestone cards, which give your Talisman characters extra abilities, for use in online and offline game modes.

Designed to speed up a game of Talisman, and also make your characters more powerful, Runestones are cards which you can attach to your characters to give them the advantage over their opponents.

Each character can have 3 Runestone cards equipped, so you can mix and match which abilities are suitable for each character.

Will you give the Troll a higher starting Craft? Or maybe make your Wizard immune to being Toaded!

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