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For Honor Year 1 Heroes Bundle (DLC)

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Fecha de salida:Feb 14, 2017
Distribuidor: Ubisoft
Desarrollador: Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft Quebec, Ubisoft Toronto, Blue Byte

Buy Cheap For Honor Year 1 Heroes Bundle (DLC) at Wyrel

The basic idea of the game is the fight between three teams. Players who belong to each team fight in various fields surrounded by castles. A relatively cruel game uses an innovative combat system. Its peculiarity is that a player can control the direction, angle, and strength of the strike.

Reasons to buy the video game.

For Honor Year 1 Heroes Bundle (DLC) deserves your attention for many reasons. For one, you can pick the faction you wish to belong to. Then, a player can become a Viking, a knight, or a samurai regardless of the faction. Each character has some unique skills and fighting modes. Purchase this game, and itll become a gem in your collection.


Surprising facts about Wyrel.

First-time visitors are always surprised by the selection of games available. However, things get even better when they see the price tags. Wyrel offers a discount on numerous games. Players can buy everything they want fast and simple. However, free assistance is also available if needed.

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