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Stories: The Path of Destinies (PC)

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Stories: The Path of Destinies

Oferta ID: 2470876
Edición: Standard
Región: Global
Plataforma: Steam
Garantía: 30 dнas
Entrega: Instantáneo
Stock: 48
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1 = $7.02
Total: $ 702
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Tasa de éxito de 4800 pedidos 95.43%
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Stories: The Path of Destinies Steam Key GLOBAL

Oferta ID: 2454927
Edición: Standard
Región: Global
Plataforma: Steam
Garantía: 30 dнas
Entrega: Instantáneo
Stock: 94
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1 = $7.43
Total: $ 743
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Stories: The Path of Destinies is an action-RPG set in a vibrant fairytale universe filled with floating islands, majestic airships, and colorful magic. Reynardo, ex-pirate and unintentional hero, suddenly becomes the last line of the defense against the mad Emperor and his countless ravens. Can he come up with a plan that wont blow up in his face, for a change?

In Stories, each choice you make takes Reynardo into a unique narrative. From tongue-in-cheek takes on heroic adventures to dark, Lovecraftian scenes, Stories repertoire is as diverse as it is action-packed. But Reynardos fateful decisions wont always come easy: Sometimes retrieving a weapon lost at the beginning of time means sacrificing the life of an old friend. But with so many choices to make, so many potential dire destinies, wouldn't it be great to be able to come back in time, learn from your mistakes and find the one true path?

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Fecha de salida:Apr 12, 2016
Distribuidor:Spearhead Games
Desarrollador:Spearhead Games

Stories: The Path of Destinies is an action-RPG set in a vibrant fairytale universe filled with floating islands, majestic airships, and colorful magic. Reynardo, ex-pirate and unintentional hero, suddenly becomes the last line of the defense against the mad Emperor and his countless ravens. Can he come up with a plan that wont blow up in his face, for a change?

In Stories, each choice you make takes Reynardo into a unique narrative. From tongue-in-cheek takes on heroic adventures to dark, Lovecraftian scenes, Stories repertoire is as diverse as it is action-packed. But Reynardos fateful decisions wont always come easy: Sometimes retrieving a weapon lost at the beginning of time means sacrificing the life of an old friend. But with so many choices to make, so many potential dire destinies, wouldn't it be great to be able to come back in time, learn from your mistakes and find the one true path?

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