



Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville (PC)


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6485販売からの成功率 86.64%
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Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville Steam Key GLOBAL

オファー ID: 2489052
エディション: Standard Edition
地域: グローバル
プラットフォーム: Steam
保証: 30 日
配送: インスタント
在庫: 87
最小注文額 1
あなたの商品はダウンロード可能になります 購入の最後に。 にとどまる 注文ページ, 製品をダウンロードするためのアイコンは、3〜5分以内に利用可能になります。
1 = $2.48
合計: $ 248


ユーザーは オンライン

4675販売からの成功率 95.43%
trusted 信頼できる

Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville Steam Key GLOBAL

オファー ID: 2451906
エディション: Standard Edition
地域: グローバル
プラットフォーム: Steam
保証: 30 日
配送: インスタント
在庫: 60
最小注文額 1
あなたの商品はダウンロード可能になります 購入の最後に。 にとどまる 注文ページ, 製品をダウンロードするためのアイコンは、3〜5分以内に利用可能になります。
1 = $4.95
合計: $ 495


It's been a few years since the zombpocalypse turned the world's cities into graveyards and sent the few survivors into hiding. Now you must gather them up and restore civilization to a ruined city, one building at a time.

Rebuild 3 is a strategy sim game with a good helping of narrative and dark humor. It's a thoughtful game that'll make you fond of your survivors before you send them to their deaths for the greater good. As you expand your fort to new buildings, you'll decide between farms or fortifications, housing or hospitals, and make tough decisions to fend off raiders, illness, starvation, and madness. And the dead are still out there wandering the streets, hungrier than ever.


発売日:May 29, 2015
出版社:Northway Games
開発者:Northway Games

It's been a few years since the zombpocalypse turned the world's cities into graveyards and sent the few survivors into hiding. Now you must gather them up and restore civilization to a ruined city, one building at a time.

Rebuild 3 is a strategy sim game with a good helping of narrative and dark humor. It's a thoughtful game that'll make you fond of your survivors before you send them to their deaths for the greater good. As you expand your fort to new buildings, you'll decide between farms or fortifications, housing or hospitals, and make tough decisions to fend off raiders, illness, starvation, and madness. And the dead are still out there wandering the streets, hungrier than ever.


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