



The Norwood Suite (PC)


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The Norwood Suite Steam Key GLOBAL

オファー ID: 2451921
エディション: Standard Edition
地域: グローバル
プラットフォーム: Steam
保証: 30 日
配送: インスタント
在庫: 83
最小注文額 1
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1 = $2.30
合計: $ 230


In 1983, Peter Norwood, one of the world's most celebrated pianists and composers, mysteriously vanished. His private mansion was turned into the Hotel Norwood, which, over the years, accumulated its own share of notoriety. But the mystery of what really went on during Norwood's time never truly got uncovered... until now.

The Norwood Suite is a first-person adventure game that takes players to the secluded Hotel Norwood on a simple friendly errand that quickly unfolds into something much more involved. Filled with bizarre characters and curiosities, this mysterious resort is a dense, open-ended world teeming with hidden passages and secrets to discover.

Peer into the lives of the hotels guests and staff, explore and interact with surprises behind every door, and piece together a jigsaw narrative that rewards your curiosity. The Norwood Suite features surreal art design, as well as an original atmospheric musical score, composed by Cosmo D, that integrates itself directly into the game world.


発売日:Oct 2, 2017
出版社:Alliance Digital Media
開発者:Cosmo D

In 1983, Peter Norwood, one of the world's most celebrated pianists and composers, mysteriously vanished. His private mansion was turned into the Hotel Norwood, which, over the years, accumulated its own share of notoriety. But the mystery of what really went on during Norwood's time never truly got uncovered... until now.

The Norwood Suite is a first-person adventure game that takes players to the secluded Hotel Norwood on a simple friendly errand that quickly unfolds into something much more involved. Filled with bizarre characters and curiosities, this mysterious resort is a dense, open-ended world teeming with hidden passages and secrets to discover.

Peer into the lives of the hotels guests and staff, explore and interact with surprises behind every door, and piece together a jigsaw narrative that rewards your curiosity. The Norwood Suite features surreal art design, as well as an original atmospheric musical score, composed by Cosmo D, that integrates itself directly into the game world.


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