



Moon Hunters (PC)


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Moon Hunters

オファー ID: 10507755
エディション: Standard Edition
地域: グローバル
プラットフォーム: Steam
保証: 180 日
配送: インスタント
在庫: 1
最小注文額 1
あなたの商品はダウンロード可能になります 購入の最後に。 にとどまる 注文ページ, 製品をダウンロードするためのアイコンは、3〜5分以内に利用可能になります。
1 = $3.00
合計: $ 300


"Moon Hunters is a myth-weaving adventure for 1-4 players, solving ancient mysteries and building mythologies. Explore a hand-painted pixel art world that's randomly generated yet rich with legends, non-linear stories, and secrets. How will you be remembered?

Players must rely on one another in a dangerous, ever-changing world. As the days and nights cycle past, players use every last scrap of their wits, weapons, and magical studies to survive, craft, explore, and ultimately triumph. How you express your personality in difficult decisions shapes your reputation and, ultimately, how your tribe remembers you in the generations to come. What constellation would be your symbol?

Moon Hunters is a procedural world to explore, populated with hand-crafted stories and memorable characters. From howling mountains to lapping ocean waves, the world of Moon Hunters is brimming with ancient stories and myths."    

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4675販売からの成功率 95.43%
trusted 信頼できる

Moon Hunters Steam Key GLOBAL

オファー ID: 2451259
エディション: Standard Edition
地域: グローバル
プラットフォーム: Steam
保証: 30 日
配送: インスタント
在庫: 105
最小注文額 1
あなたの商品はダウンロード可能になります 購入の最後に。 にとどまる 注文ページ, 製品をダウンロードするためのアイコンは、3〜5分以内に利用可能になります。
1 = $4.07
合計: $ 407


Moon Hunters is a 1 to 4 player co-operative action personality test RPG in a rich, ancient world that's different every time you play. Build your mythology as every action and choice contributes to how you're remembered, as a constellation in the night sky.
Play the little story from different angles to uncover new sides to characters, conflicts, and side-stories. Try out all 4 player hometowns and 6 player character classes, each with their own abilities and randomly available upgrades.


発売日:Mar 10, 2016
出版社:Kitfox Games
開発者:Kitfox Games

Moon Hunters is a 1 to 4 player co-operative action personality test RPG in a rich, ancient world that's different every time you play. Build your mythology as every action and choice contributes to how you're remembered, as a constellation in the night sky.
Play the little story from different angles to uncover new sides to characters, conflicts, and side-stories. Try out all 4 player hometowns and 6 player character classes, each with their own abilities and randomly available upgrades.


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